イタリア人宣教師シドッティGiovanni Battista Sidottiに関する欧文史料

欧文史料一覧と主要な究文献 18世紀
欧文史料一覧と主要な究文献 19世紀
欧文史料一覧と主要な究文献 20世紀

【『キリスト教史学』第52号原稿 欧文要約】


 イタリア人宣教師シドッティBattista Sidottiは、1708年、キリスト教を再布教するという志をもって、鎖国・禁教下の日本へ潜入した。しかし直ちに捕らえられ、その使命を果たすことはできなかった。シドッティのことが世に知られるようになったのは、新井白石がシドッティを尋問して、その内容を記録した『西洋紀聞』が1882年に刊本として出版されるようになってからである。
 しかし、フランスのカトリック布教誌『ミッション・カトリック』"Les Missions Catholiques" に1884年に連載されたシドッティの伝記には、シドッティの消息については、それまで知られていなかったと記述している。
3) 欧文史料と『西洋紀聞』を対比しながら、従来のシドッティ研究で言われてきたことの一部、特に、シドッティの所持品について再考察も付随的に行う。

Journal of History of Christianity vol.52,1998 summary】
 Italian Missionary Sidotti in Japan on the Catholic Journal Les Missions Catholiques and on the English Transltation Version of Seiyo-Kibun

Sayuri Ogawa

   Italian Catholic missionary Giovanni Battista Sidotti came to Japan under the policy of seclusion in 1708 for the purpose of propagation of the Christian faith which had been prohibited in Japan. But immediately he was seized and could achieve no success of his original intention. The name Sidotti had not been known in Japan for a long time until the printed edition of Arai Hakuseki's Seiyo-Kibun, which contained the record of the interviews between Hakuseki and Sidotti, was issued in 1882.
   Before 1882, some Protestant missionaries already had translated Seiyo-Kibun into English and published in English periodicals issued in Shanghai, Yokohama, and so on. Through them, people in Europe, especially in the Protestant world, came to know the tidings about Sidotti.
   However, French Catholic periodical Les Missions Catholiques ran a serial biography of Sidotti in 1884, remarking that the tidings about Sidotti after entering Japan had not been known until this time.
   Here, on the main part of this thesis, the following three points are mainly dealt with;
1) summary of the biography of Sidotti carried in Les Missions Catholiques
2) evaluation of Sidotti's achievement by the European people, esp. of the Catholic world.
3) reexamination of the former research on Sidotti's possessions; comparing the contents of the description of Seiyo-Kibun and its English translation and Les Missions Catholiques
   As a conclusion, the article about Sidotti in Les Missions Catholiques had a high opinion of Sidotti's achievements, and Les Missions Catholiques itself should have high value as the first article which informed his tidings after entering Japan to the Catholic world.
   The last half of the nineteenth century was at the peak of Catholic propagation, and there existed enthusiasm for it among European people, not only among the priesthood but also in secular society. Under this kind of atmosphere and demand of that time, Japan was recognized as one of the most expectant countries for the expansion of propagation. At this time Sidotti's article was issued because Sidotti's achievement was considered as a very important matter and consequently seemed to hold out the hope of the expansion of Christianity in Japan.
   The serial article about Sidotti used the other bibliography as much as possible and praised his achievement and made his life brilliant. The highly evaluated Sidotti life story in Les Missions Catholiques can be considered as contributing toward promoting the propagation of the faith in Japan.
